21 June 2010

Cuz Bitch I'm Amazin


Just once I want someone to look at me & right away thing I'm beautiful,

not after they get to know me, or after they see inside my sould - Just me.

I want to walk into a room & light it up.

Find a great song. Whether it's disco, punk, rap, rock, whatever.
Just turn up your stereo, and if you have to, keep dancing
until you lose yourself or find yourself again.

Te more I think about him, the more I remember
how much time I spent waiting for him to change,
waiting for him to realize that no time is better than now.
He just wasn't ready to grow up.

I've thought for a long time that we were going to end up together,
so I didn't really care so much about the when of it. Now though,
the long road is starting to seem like the infnite road.

I'm terrifid of wha you'll do
my stomach screms just when I look at you
I can't set my hopes to high
cause every hello ends with goodbye.

This is for the girls who don't always win.
The girls who stay up all night listening to music that inspires them.
The girls that laugh, smile, cry, & think all on a daily basis.
The girls who love, learn & regret.
The girls who may never have it easy.
The girls who learn the hard way to live.
& tell about it, The real girls.

You know people often have a favorite song of the moment or the
song of the week? They like one song and listen to it all the
time till they get bored and tired of it, or if they hear a
better song with a better beat. Well, I don't want to be one of those
'Favorite songs of the moment' I wat to be the lyrics stuck in
your head and the first time you hear it,
the words and the melody struck you like lightning
I want to be the song in your head and in  your forever in your heart.

If you think you want to die,
remember all the reasons you want to live.
I bet you could name more.

Here's to the buds,
the kind you drink,
the kind you smoke,
and the kind that never leave your side.

Take a look at yourself in the mirror
Is it the person you want to be?
Or is there someone else you were meant to be
The person you should have been but fell short of?
Is someone telling you, you can't or you won't
because you can? Believe that love is out there.
Believe that dreams come true everyday because they do
Sometimes happiness doesn't come from money or fame or power
sometimes happiness comes from good friends and family
or from the quiet nobility of leading a good life.
Believe that dreams come true everyday because they do.
So take a look in that mirror and remind yourself to be happy
Because yo udesrve to believe that
and believe that dreams come true everyday because they do.
-One Tree Hill

When you're thinking about how much you  miss me,
and I'm completely fine.
Remember how I felt,
&& remind yourself this is what you wanted
Because with every day coming and going
I'm learning how to be okay without you.
&& I can't wait for the day when I get to look at you
&& feel absolutely nothing.

An arrow can be shot only by pulling it backward
so when life is dragging you back with difficulties,
it means that it's going to launch you into something great.


The more you loo, the less you see,

so close your eyes and start to breathe.

It ain't fair: You died too young,
Like the story that had just begun,
but death tore the pages all alway.
God knows how much I miss you,
all the hell that I've been through,
just knowin no one could take your place
and sometimes I wonder,
who you'd be today.

I may still not know what I
want to do when I grow up,
but I do want to live in a house filled with books
and travel souvenirs.
And walls that aren't covered in bookselves
will be covered with photos of my family and friends.
When I leave the house,
I will be going to a job I love,
and I'll return to a person I love
So, that's the dream I'm working on.

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