21 September 2009

PHOBia 2 @Blitzmegaplex

nie film ntr sore mw nonton @blitz mren wktu ntn final destination..sbelomnya diputerin trailernya..bru trailernya aj bikin gw skop jantung..najong..bakal seru nieh..wkwkwkkw

Horor Thailand paling seram tahun lalu kembali datang dengan dengan lima cerita horror baru. Seorang pendeta melakukan perjalanan ziarah yang menakutkan. Sepasang remaja menumpang pada sebuah truk yang membawa kargo misterius. Anak seorang dealer mobil bekas menghilang setelah memasuki salah satu mobil dagangan ibunya. Seorang bintang film meninggal saat syuting film terbarunya. Seorang pasien rumah sakit pindah ke kamar yang sama dengan pasien lain yang sekarat. Jangan kaget jika Anda ketagihan dengan rasa takut!

The terrifying film experience of 2008 returns with five new tales of horror. A novice monk goes on a frightening solo pilgrimage. A Japanese couple hitch a ride on a truck carrying a disturbing shipment. A used car dealer discovers her son is missing after going into one of the cars she sells. A famous actress dies during shooting of her latest film. A broken-legged teenage patient is moved into the same hospital room as a comatose man. Don’t be surprised if you’re addicted to fear!

Directed by: Banjong Pisanthanakun, Parkpoom Wongpoom Cast: Dan Worrawech, Nicole Theriault, Nak Charlie, Kow Jirayu, Marsha Vadhanapanich Duration: 120 min

ayooo rame2 nonton nie film..hihihi

18 September 2009

Final destination 4

ahh tlat bgt bru mw nonton final destination 4 nie hari..ntr malem..shahah..

ktanya gk gtu bgus..
tp gw ttp penasaran..
bnyk film yg bgus2 bakal kluar d akhir taon..
gk sabar nunggu..
terutama This is It "michael Jackson"
and New moon..
cant wait..

Horsemen (2009)

gilak gw bru nonton nie fil maren malem d s demen cara critanya..hahhah..

ya tipe2 film bgini yg emg seru...n gk mudah ketebak..mirip2 angel n demons..ada zhang zi yi sgala ikutan maen d film yg homo pula..bikin takut..hahah
Aidan Breslin is a bitter detective emotionally distanced from his two young sons following the untimely death of his devoted wife. While investigating a series of murders of rare violence, he discovers a terrifying link between himself and the suspects in a chain of murders that seem to be based on the Biblical prophecies concerning the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death
Come And See!

Libur tlah tiba

hahah..akhirnya libur tlah tiba..lebaran cm 1 minggu liburnya ..cpet bgt yah..

btw,gw lg demen bgt dngerin lagu taylor swift: You belong with me and teardrops on my guitar...
makin didenger makin enak aj..
ntr rencana mw k ancol..
moga2 jadi yeee..hehehhe

Mel Love MJ..

why ppl call michael Jacko or sumthin like that..

in his interview..he hate that Jacko wacko..WTF..
I love Mj so my handphone..
there are 105 Michael Jackson's mp3
and everyday i listen to his songs..
it makes mw feel like Mj is so near..
he will live in our heart..and all ppl's heart..
i love his songs.
esp Thriller,Bad,Dirty Diana,You're not alone,Childhood,heal the World,Man in the Mirror,they dont really care about us,and many more..
i love when michael dance..
his moon walk
ppl may talk bad about him..
but..i know..
its not true..
i will love you forever..