30 October 2010


COPYCAT!!!!!----> a type of friend who mimics you in every single way possible; wanting everything you have, liking all your favorite stuff, buying all the material things exactly the same as yours & often doing it SECRETLY.

I hate copycat! Bisa gk si jd org tu jgnlah suka ngecopy org? Kalo mw meniru boleh2 aj tp jgn ngejiplak smpe bulet2... Bikin lh gaya lu sndiri...Apa yang gw suka u sllu makan ini itu...smua fav gw u ikutan juga. Gw tw gw keren, tp gk ky gtu kali caranya...lama-lama gw jd enek sm u.. Lain kali gw gk mw ajak lu kmn2... Gw tw u gk akn bs jd sperti gw...mau u jiplak sgimana juga ttp aj u gk bs jd gw. Penjiplak akan brakhir dg sia2....

You will not be like me. even if you just copied what I like, beverages, up to what I wear, you will not be able to be like me ... would never will and never be like me.. Because you just a copycat .!!!!!!!!!!.


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