Heran makin hari makin bnyk aja org yg dg sngaja mengakhiri hidupnya! Ada yg loncat dr mall lh, minum baygon lh, gantung diri lh, motong urat nadi lh. Mmg y dunia makin lama semakin jahat. Ide2 bwt bunuh diri malah makin mnjadi2. Mw bunuh diri aj pke milih2 tempat.
Kenapa si harus bunuh diri? Apakah sgitu besar masalah yg dhadapi shingga gk mw hidup lgie? Hidup tu hnya skali dan klo sdh diakhiri brrti gk ad ksempatan utk k2 kali. Gak ad yg namanya reinkarnasi. Kita sbenernya gk ad hak utk mnghilangkan nyawa diri sndiri aplg mnghilangkan nyawa org lain. Karena nyawa dan tubuh kita itu punyanya Tuhan. Dia yg nyiptain lu ssh2, eh u seenaknya mw ilangin bgitu sj?
Pertama2 y yg hrus u tw dr bunuh diri itu...Bunuh diri adlh jalan cepat mnuju nerak! Alhasil klo u bunuh diri, brrti u otomatis msuk nraka! mw lu sgimana baiknya wktu idup...Tp klo u bunuh diri, u PASTI MASUK NERAKA! Bunuh diri adlh tiket gratis msuk nraka. Sbenernya gk gratis sih! kn u bayar pke nyawa...Mahal ituuu...
Bnyk alasan knp manusia mw bunuh diri. Plg bnyk alasannya krn putus cinta, kna masalah bsar, dipecat, etc. Guys, hidup lu itu sgt berharga! lbh mahal dr emas dan permata. Untuk apa lu habisi nyawa u sndiri? hah?? Gk habis pikir gw! Stiap msalah pasti ad jalan kluarnya, dan jalan kluar itu akn muncul bila lu ttp hidup. Klo lu malah milih mati gmn masalah u bs slese? Malah lu mnambah masalah baru yg akan u pikul selama2nya*abadi* yaitu u akn msuk nraka! Masalah tdk akn slese dg kmatian, krn mati brrti u tdk mngasihani hidup u sndiri dan u dg sengaja mnghilangkan hal yg plg berarti, yaitu nyawa.
Di dunia ini ap yg lbh pnting dr nyawa? uang? Gk mungkin! yang namanya uang emg bs mbli nyawa? Emg dg uang bs hidupin org yg sudah mninggal dan mngembalikan dia sperti smula? Gk akan bisa! Hidup itu cm skali dan sgt berharga...So, jgn lu pd sia2kan... Krn gk ada yg namanya ksempatan k 2. Ksempatan itu akan sllu ada bila lu hidup. Nah brrti klo yg bnuh diri, mreka mnghilangkan ksempatan mreka sndiri. Hidup lu lbh berharga drpd mslah! Masalah itu gk sbanding dg nyawa lu.Apalagi nyawa kita itu ud ditebus olh darah Tuhan Yesus. Nyawa kita itu BERHARGA!!!!
Peluang utk kluar dr masalah itu akan sllu ada jika lu ttp hidup! Tapi peluang tdk akan ada lg jika u ud mati. Klo mnurut greja gw, stelah mati itu mungkin ad bnyk org yg akn mndoakan u agar diperingan dosa u n ditrima disisi Tuhan blablabla...Pdhal itu smua gk akan bs membantu u guys. Mw doa seabrek2 jg gk bs nolongin lu! Setelah u mati, apa yg sdh u lakukan akan u bayar, doa2 itu gk akan mpengaruhi dosa2 u brkurang ato gk. Krn kita cm bs bertobat wktu hidup dan saat kt mati kt ud brupa roh dan gk mungkin brtobat lgi.
Ada yg bunuh diri, aneh blg dulu sm Tuhan. Bunuh diri itu adlh dosa besar dan upah dosa ialah maut. Masa krn masalah lu mnyia2kan idup n lgsung nyemplung k neraka utk slm2nya? ms u mw bgitu? Di balik tiap mslh pasti ad jalan kluar. Slm kt berserah sm Tuhan. Tuhan pasti tolong kita.
So bwt lu2 pd yg mw bunuh diri ato rncana ato bahkan kpikiran bwt bunuh diri! brtobatlah krn di balik stiap msalah ad jalan kluar.! Lu pasti bs hadepin t msalah dan u hrz inget klo mslh ada spy kita mjd lbh kuat, bknnya malah masalah ad spy kt mampus. Jd hadapilah msalah! masalah tdk akn slesai dg kita kabur dr msalah itu sndiri dan mati bkn lh pnyelesaian yg baik dan bnar! itu mlh mnambah masalah!...Hargailah hidupmu..Hargailah nyawamu!!! krn suatu saat lu bkal dimintai pertanggung jwaban atas nyawa yg ud dks k u! Klo u sia2kn y tamatlh sudah..brakhir d neraka..klo gw si gk mw..gw mw k surga..heheh
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."Matthew 11:28-30
"My soul is in anguish. How long, O LORD, how long?" "I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears." The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer. Psalms 6:3,6,9
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."Matthew 11:28-30
"My soul is in anguish. How long, O LORD, how long?" "I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears." The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer. Psalms 6:3,6,9
I’ll close with this song by Julie Miller that pretty much says it all:
“How Could You Say No”
by Julie Miller
Thorns on his head, spear in his side
Yet it was a heartache that made him cry
He gave his life so you would understand
Is there any way you could say no to this man
If Christ himself were standing here
Face full of glory and eyes full of tears
And he held out his arms and his nail printed hands
Is there any way you could say no to this man
How could you look in his tear-stained eyes
Knowing it's you he's thinking of
Could you tell him you're not ready to give him your life?
Could you say you don't think you need his love
Jesus is here with his arms open wide
You can see him with your heart if you'll stop looking with your eyes
He's left it up to you, he's done all that he can
Is there any way you could say no to this man
How could you look in his tear-stained eyes
Knowing it's you he's thinking of
Could you tell him you're not ready to give him your life
Yet it was a heartache that made him cry
He gave his life so you would understand
Is there any way you could say no to this man
If Christ himself were standing here
Face full of glory and eyes full of tears
And he held out his arms and his nail printed hands
Is there any way you could say no to this man
How could you look in his tear-stained eyes
Knowing it's you he's thinking of
Could you tell him you're not ready to give him your life?
Could you say you don't think you need his love
Jesus is here with his arms open wide
You can see him with your heart if you'll stop looking with your eyes
He's left it up to you, he's done all that he can
Is there any way you could say no to this man
How could you look in his tear-stained eyes
Knowing it's you he's thinking of
Could you tell him you're not ready to give him your life
Could you say you don't think you need his love
Thorns on his head your life in his hands
Is there any way you could say no to this man
Is there any way you could say no to this man
Thorns on his head your life in his hands
Is there any way you could say no to this man
Is there any way you could say no to this man
by:Melody Utomo Putri
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