09 April 2009

Fat Guy In A Little Coat

Gossip Girl producers are fuming over Ed Westwick's hard-pAArtying ways! A solid diet of booze and possibly other pAArty favors have been named the main culprits in Westwick's ever expanding waistline!! Coke bloat, y'all!  "Ed has been gaining a lot of weight — not just around the waist, but through the whole body," a GG snitch tells In Touch Weekly.  Producers are appalled at the idea of heartthrob Chuck Bass morphing into a rotund Chuck Lard-Ass!  "First, the costume department had to buy him new, bigger pants. Then, his shirts and jackets got way too snug. The costumers even requested that producers talk to Ed — they don’t want Chuck to be fat!"  Ouch!

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