gw mw crita ttg seorang BITCH n kawannya s HIPPo..
nieh wktu itu gw mw foto ye...
gw mmg blm prnah foto..jd pngen cb2 gr2 ditawarin tmen gw...
tp sbelomnya gw da bilang m tmen gw itu gk fotogenic lho..jd klo difoto gmn cr..jelek dong..
ktnya s bisa diakalin...dan itu trnyata sang make up nya ud ky topeng abis...muka gw yg emg lg alergi..tmbah alergi....trz ya die kepedean gtu klo ngomong ..sok proffeeesssiiooonnalll pula..pdhal dia bru blajar amatir..dia matok harga make up 1 kpala s katanya 250 rbu..pdhal hasilnya nggak bgt...nah kita tw sendiri...kt make up d salon chandra gupta ato Lovace yg oke..harganya sama am dia..gk slah...?
ya oke lh..pokogny stelah t foto sesi nungguin hasilnya yg gw rsa sangat ogah2an dikerjainnya..gk proffeessiioonnaalll bgt..klo yg nmnya prooffreeessiiooonnalll itu cepat dan tepat n hasilnya maksimal..ini nggak tu org mood2an gtu...jd trgantung suasana hatinye die...klo u mw keja brg org mn bs pnya sifat ky stelah foto ya gw basa basi lh blg..laen kli ks diskon dong..gtu..sbenernya gw cm bcanda..krn g mw liat hasilnya dulu..n trnyata tdk memuaskan...
gw udah mulai cr2 fotografer yg oke...klo mmg proffeesiioonnall gk da masalah sm bayar brp mahal..asal sesuai dg hasilnya..ini ud amatir..bacotnya selangit,,lelet bner ngerjainnya...nipu gw bilang fotonya ud dikirim bbrp hr yg JNE wktu nganterin aj dia blg u bru ngirim kmaren.
trz suatu hari..dia upload foto gtu..trz gw mrasa gk tw efek foto,clana ato emg kakinya..modelnya kliatan rada gede..n clananya gk bgus...*tmen gw ad yg lbh jahat lg bilang am gw klo tu foto jelek murahan"..
nah gw ngomen gtu..mungkin mmg gw gk boleh ngomenin masalah tubuh modelnya..nah ya gw blg itu opini gw..n gw cm skali itu aj ngomenin ttg model dlm foto dia..
trz wktu gw ngomenin foto itu..mmg ad bbrp tmen tu org yg gk sependapat n malah ky nyindir gw..ktnya si kudanil *gw sih sadar diri kaki gw gk kecil ,jd gw gk bakal tuh ngomen2 kaki org gede*(kurang lbh ky gtu)..dan ms bnyk komentar2 lain...tentu saja gw bilang sm mreka..itu pndapat gw..pndapat org boleh brbeda2...jd utk ap dimasalahin..gtu....akihir
02 December 2009
dear BiTCH and Hippopotamus..
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 6:22 AM 0 komentar
23 October 2009
THIs IS IT -Michael Jackson
guysss...dont forget to watch 'This Is It'..I already watch the trailer..and it was so amzing..
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 5:35 AM 0 komentar
21 September 2009
PHOBia 2 @Blitzmegaplex
nie film ntr sore mw nonton @blitz mren wktu ntn final destination..sbelomnya diputerin trailernya..bru trailernya aj bikin gw skop jantung..najong..bakal seru nieh..wkwkwkkw
Horor Thailand paling seram tahun lalu kembali datang dengan dengan lima cerita horror baru. Seorang pendeta melakukan perjalanan ziarah yang menakutkan. Sepasang remaja menumpang pada sebuah truk yang membawa kargo misterius. Anak seorang dealer mobil bekas menghilang setelah memasuki salah satu mobil dagangan ibunya. Seorang bintang film meninggal saat syuting film terbarunya. Seorang pasien rumah sakit pindah ke kamar yang sama dengan pasien lain yang sekarat. Jangan kaget jika Anda ketagihan dengan rasa takut!
The terrifying film experience of 2008 returns with five new tales of horror. A novice monk goes on a frightening solo pilgrimage. A Japanese couple hitch a ride on a truck carrying a disturbing shipment. A used car dealer discovers her son is missing after going into one of the cars she sells. A famous actress dies during shooting of her latest film. A broken-legged teenage patient is moved into the same hospital room as a comatose man. Don’t be surprised if you’re addicted to fear!
Directed by: Banjong Pisanthanakun, Parkpoom Wongpoom Cast: Dan Worrawech, Nicole Theriault, Nak Charlie, Kow Jirayu, Marsha Vadhanapanich Duration: 120 min
ayooo rame2 nonton nie film..hihihi
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 11:24 PM 0 komentar
18 September 2009
Final destination 4
ahh tlat bgt bru mw nonton final destination 4 nie hari..ntr malem..shahah..
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 9:44 PM 0 komentar
Horsemen (2009)
gilak gw bru nonton nie fil maren malem d s demen cara critanya..hahhah..
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 9:39 PM 0 komentar
Libur tlah tiba
hahah..akhirnya libur tlah tiba..lebaran cm 1 minggu liburnya ..cpet bgt yah..
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 3:26 AM 0 komentar
Mel Love MJ..
why ppl call michael Jacko or sumthin like that..
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 3:13 AM 0 komentar
28 May 2009
A Walkthrough on Lee Min Ho's Childhood
As with his rapidly rising popularity,many fans are getting curious by the day how the childhood of the leading man from the popular KBS “Boys Before Flowers”, Lee Min Ho, is like. IS PLUS has exclusively got hold of some childhood photos of Lee Min Ho, along with descriptions of them. In addition, Lee Min Ho’s mother will be giving interesting narrations on Lee Min Ho’s childhood in a 5-part daily articles, beginning from the 16th.
Young Lee Min Ho (0 - 4 years old)
(From Lee Min Ho’s mom)
I had a dream when I was bearing Min Ho, the dream scene is a plateau of chilli ground. Although the hospital did not gave me the sex of my child, but since having that dream, I was confident that it should be a son. I don’t normally like to eat meat, but for some strange reasons, I liked it alot during my pregnancy period. I ate beef every four days and now Lee Min Ho’s favourite dish is chilli with beef.
Min Ho was 3.2kg when he was born, a little lighter than the average newborn babies. His health was toward the weaker side from young till his elementary school stage. His Bronchus had some problems, therefore he is prone to cold whenever the season changes. And also, no matter how much food he ate, he just couldn’t get fat. I’m of blood type A, his body and personalities are very similar to me.
He doesn’t eat alot, nutritional tonics were given to him almost every season. We gave him a lot of food just like what others did to their child but he just can’t grow fat. He was always very shy with strangers and very sensitive. Therefore, I always had to carry him around and coax him.
Min Ho is especially beautiful when young. His eyes were bigger than his elder sister, his nose was high as well. The earliest signs showing his talent of being an actor was during young, due of his eloquence. Although his sister is fluent in her speech, Min Ho had learned to talk much earlier. When he was still in his infancy stage, he could quickly detect moving objects. The very first time he called “mom” was also about 3 to 4 months faster than an average child.
(Rest of the article will only be out in the next few days)
Now let us look at the photo walkthough of Lee Min Ho.
Lee Min Ho’s Photo Walkthrough With Descriptions
One year old birthday
Lee Min Ho is only slightly taller than the average child when he was young. He isn’t really very tall. But as he grew up, he became much taller. His physique became better as well. This photo was taken at a banquet hall in Seoul. Young Min Ho who was only one year old at that time, was not interested in any of the food placed on the table. Instead, he wanted a mouthful of cola-flavoured ice-cream which his sister was eating that time.
Two years old, on the home bed
When he was young, we all called Min Ho “sudden blink”. The main reason was because due to his large eyes, it was very cute when his eyes blink continuously. Before Christmas, “little Min Ho” sat on the bed.
Five years old, waiting to eat the cake that his father had brought, with his sister
Min Ho had a very good relationship with his sister. The number of arguments they had were really countable. This day, they posed on the table with the cake that their father had bought.
Six years old, tour to Chung Pyung with family
As with his role in “Boys Before Flowers”, Lee Min Ho in real life doesn’t know how to swim either. He was very timid during young and everytime, the whole family has to encourage and coax him, before he will play in the water. Only after several assurance from his mom and sister did young Lee Min Ho decided to play in the water, but with his life-jacket and sunglasses on.
Seven years old, birthday at kindergarden
Min Ho is very shy, I had never dreamt of him becoming an actor one day. Even the song that he sang during his kindergarden birthday party was also after several practice at home with mom. Even though Min Ho was very shy when he was young, but he met plenty of friends when he progressed to middle school. He became more extrovert from then on.
Nine years old, grade 2, camping behind the school compound
During his elementary education, Min Ho learned soccer and started to like mountain climbing and playing around in the fields. During summer, he liked to catch insects.
Eighteen years old, high school graduation ceremony
Beginning from middle school stage, Min Ho is already very handsome and also enjoyed a high popularity among guy and girl friends. Even his sister’s friends called him “yun kyung’s ‘pretty boy’ brother”. He began his acting career when he was in his second year in high school. Although his looks is roughly the same as now, but he had pimples popping out as and when during that period.
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 2:42 AM 0 komentar
He looks like such an 80's kid in this pic.:))
Vogue Girl (VG): In the meanwhile, you’ve become more widely known as Boys Over Flowers‘ Gu Jun Pyo rather than by your own name, Lee Min Ho. As an actor, you’re going to have to bid farewell to this name; have you already began this process internally? Or is it too early for your heart to leave behind Gu Jun Pyo?
Lee Min Ho (LMH): I didn’t particularly think that I have to part with it; the process began quickly without me realizing it. You see, I’ve been doing other work without a break after completing Boys Over Flowers. Without time to even feel the aftereffect of Gu Jun Pyo, [the character] is becoming distant.
VG: There’s tremendous discussion on your every action. Through many articles and rumours, [your fans] have been exposed to much speculation on everything beginning from your love life. You must have definitely been scarred. By any chance have you – in a short time – [adapted] a coping method to minimize the scars or shock? Ignore it? Be understanding? Be resigned to it? Be sympathetic?
LMH: I think it’s none of [the above]. Even though I try to ignore it, I’m still hurt to an extent; then I try to be understanding, but it’s incomprehensible (laughter); if I decide to resign myself [to the rumours], they still get on my nerves; with no need for further explanation, I think it’ll be impossible to sympathize. I just get angry, but forget about it because I’m simple-minded; my anger rises when I remember it again and then calms down… That’s what it’s been like.
VG: Although it’s evening here in London, it’s 6am in Korea yet you just received a prank call. It must be annoying when getting these inconsiderate calls.
LMH: There’s a lot of truly unique people from those who prank call. As well as people who are fun[ny]. I don’t answer with hostility because they [could be] fans. First I pick up the call and get a rough idea of the situation; after I hang up, I save the number as spam so that I don’t answer next time. These days prank calls are done so intelligently that I fall for them often. During the shoot earlier, I got a call saying, “It’s me, Eun Hye!” Since I actually have a friend named Eun Hye within my network I thought it was her, but it was a prank call. It’s like that.
VG: Do you directly look up reviews or article comments about [Boys Before Flowers or yourself]?
LMH: I don’t look too much. Because of the recent Benz rumour I read a little and there really were so many negative comments. It was the first time I saw that many. I got a lot of scars too. If it was really something I did (buy the car), I would have agreed and reflected over my mistake. But I was hurt that there were such negative comments attached to an article written based on presumption.
VG: You seem to handle the explosive interest quite well, not feeling too burdened.
LMH: It’s not as burdensome as one would think. But there are times when I’m surprised. Really trivial matters are publicized and become news articles. That’s burdensome.
VG: Some people say the way for Lee Min Ho to survive is to shed the Gu Jun Pyo image as soon as possible, while others say that your next project should be a lovelier one that shows off Gu Jun Pyo’s charm. Which way are you more inclined to?
LMH: Both are the same. If I suddenly shed Gu Jun Pyo and take on a completely different role, I think it would feel strange and unfamiliar to viewers. Because [Gu Jun Pyo] was such a strong image. But then if I did a similar role, I suppose people would say that there’s no change. There’s nothing I can do either way. I think I’ll have to shed it progressively.
VG: Looking back at the Gu Jun Pyo that Lee Min Ho portrayed calmly in the midst of filming with barely enough time to breathe, how do you feel?
LMH: There’s so many parts that were lacking. Every moment. Because it was a drama that was filmed with time chasing us, I think there was insufficient time to adequately investigate and grasp the character. I think the great response [from viewers] was because of the good character Gu Jun Pyo, and they were easy on me since I’m a rookie actor.
VG: As Lee Min Ho, an actor in your twenties, are you satisfied with your face, voice, and other parts of your body? And if there’s a part you’re dissatisfied with…..?
LMH: Yes. I’m satisfied. But I’d like it if my voice was a bit deeper. There are times when a slightly nasal sound comes out, so that’s a bit dissatisfying.
VG: As an actor, is there another actor’s appearance that you covet?
LMH: I like the appearance of someone who can clearly show both a face of virtue and a face of evil. Which actor can do that? Ah~ I can’t remember. (Thinks for awhile) Forget it. This. Even if I covet it, I can ‘only’ covet it. Then…. just…. there is none (laughs)!
VG: Besides for getting extremely famous from the success of the drama, what’s the happiest aspect of your life these days?
LMH: Experiencing many things that I’ve wondered if I’d ever be able to do in life. Also that my parents are happy. I’m content when I see my mother’s smiling face. She was happy for me when I first said I’m pursuing acting, and she’s happy just to see me on TV.
VG: If you have one, what’s your clearest and nearest goal at the moment?
LMH: To show a good image with a good project. In May, I’ll complete the schedule that was a result of Boys Over Flowers. In June, I’ll get some personal time that I haven’t been able to have. The plan is to discuss my next production after that.
VG: How would you like your twenties to be remembered?
LMH: I’d like it to be the busiest time of my life. I want to do lots of productions and lots of work. I want to be remembered as Lee Min Ho who lived diligently and worked hard.
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 2:24 AM 0 komentar
27 May 2009
Lee Min-Ho thinks of Kim Rae-Won as…
His role model!
Recently, the “Boys over Flowers” star Lee Min-ho revealed that his role model was none other than actor Kim Rae-Won. On the April 15th episode of ‘MBC Golden Fishery-Knee Cap Guru’, Kim Rae-Won, who is most famous for his role in the drama ‘Attic Cat’ revealed that he was flattered and thankful to be the role model of the current top star. Despite being flattered, the wiser sonbae left a word of advice for Lee Min-Ho as well as other overnight young stars:
Don’t let your fame and stardom get to your head. Even if those around you treat you like a king”
Great word of advice but really who wouldn’t let fame get to their head? Just as he stated during the show, it’s not that easy.
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 9:16 PM 0 komentar
Can you imagine F4 members 5 years later?
Yes? No? Maybe?
Well, imagine no more! Because lo and behold KBS has decided to make a music drama showing F4 and their lives 5 years later. The music drama will be portrayed through the neglected F4 member Song Woo-bin’s (played by Kim Joon) point of view. And Song Woo-bin who was single throughout the entire drama will finally have a girlfriend.
Who will this new girl be?!
Will he be with an older single-mom like in the anime?! We will have to wait and see. The special edition album will also include a solo track by all F4 members- Lee Min-ho, Kim Bum, Kim Hyun-joong and Kim Joon. What a way to make more money off the poor over-worked boys. The 25 minute music drama and ‘F4 Special Edition’ album will be released on the 28th.
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 8:45 PM 0 komentar
13 May 2009
Boys Before Flowerssss
The highly anticipated KBS drama “Boys Before Flowers“, largely known as the Korean version of the popular “Hana Yori Dango”, has already been exported to Japan and various Asian countries before it even begins its broadcast in South Korea.
“Boys Before Flowers” will premiere on the 5th of January through KBS2TV, clashing directly with TV ratings champion “East of Eden” and Han Hye Jin’s “Terroir“. But without taking considerations its quality and TV ratings, overseas companies in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Philippines have already snatched up the distribution and broadcast rights. The rights in Japan has been bought over by Japan’s SPO Entertainment and is scheduled to air in Japan sometime in the 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2009.
Hana Yori Dango first came out as a manga in Japan between 1992 to 2004. It was later turned into an anime between 1996 to 1997 by ASAHI TV station but the live action version (drama) was produced by Taiwan and it became an instant hit. The Japanese drama version was subsequently produced in 2005 with the final chapter broadcast in early 2007.
So how will the Korean version starring Goo Hye Sun, Lee Min Ho, Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Bum and Kim Joon fare? Stay tune for tomorrow’s premiere of “Boys Before Flowers”. (Sounds like I’m promoting for KBS lol)
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 10:18 PM 0 komentar
22 April 2009
The Look: Curly Hair
Ever the trendsetter, Madonna helped usher in something of a curl revival last fall, showing up to a screening of her film Filth and Wisdom with a center part and long, wavy curls. Imitations from Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears followed shortly thereafter. But cries of style-stealing aside, you could say that change is just in the air. "It might sound silly, but I think this election has proved that we are in a different state of mind," says hairstylist Ouidad, a.k.a. the Queen of Curls. "If you look at Hollywood, the big eighties days are back. People are enjoying texture again—almost being promiscuous with their hair and just letting it be sexy."
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 8:44 AM 0 komentar
As a foil to the sweetness, the designers threw in some tailcoats with trompe l'oeil frogging and gaiter pants. The models marched down the red-carpeted runway in sky-high platforms with curtain swags in their hair. You could picture some of these clothes finding their way onto the narrow shoulders of young starlets on the premiere circuit. Dolce and Gabbana's message was loud and clear: "The show must go on."

Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 8:27 AM 0 komentar
21 April 2009
16 April 2009
Brad Pitt: New ‘Inglorious Basterds’ Clip!
Last night on American Idol, director Quentin Tarantino made a special guest mentor appearance and debuted a sneak preview of never-seen-before footage from his upcoming movie, Inglorious Basterds.
Below is the entire clip that was too hot to air during primetime TV! Inglorious Basterds stars Brad Pitt and Diane Kruger and will hit theatres on Friday, August 21.
For future updates on the movie, visit
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 10:49 PM 0 komentar
Strike A Pose
Oh, hellz yes!
Madonna has been asked to participate in yet another campaign for French fashion house Louis Vuitton!
Madge will be joining photographer Steven Meisel for the shoot - the same photog who shot M's fabulous contribution to LV's Spring-Summer 2009 campaign!
We can't wait!!!
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 10:40 PM 0 komentar
11 April 2009
Posh Spice's Mug Sells More Mags Than Anyone!
The numbers are in!
Americans are way more likely to buy magazines with Victoria Beckham, Angelina Jolie and Lauren Conrad gracing the cover than Carrie Underwood or even Nicole Kidman!
Posh topped the list as being Elle's best selling issue in 2008, moving a whopping 413,000 copies of the mag! Poor Carrie Underwood's cover only sold 253,611 copies!
Saint Angelina's Vanity Fair cover sold over half a million copies, of course! But poor Hilary Swank only managed to move 27,000 issues!
The most surprising of the bunch?
The Hills actress reality TV star Lauren Conrad's cover of Shape sold 447,969 copies!!
No doubt a good chunk of those mags were bought by L.C. herself!
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 10:41 AM 0 komentar
Jessica Stroup & Dustin Milligan: Easter Egg Crazy
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 1:45 AM 0 komentar
saMAN Already Replaced Lindsanity???
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 1:42 AM 0 komentar
09 April 2009
Angelina Jolie is Poncho Pretty
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 11:06 AM 0 komentar
Speidi Doing What They Do Best
Well, we already know that Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag are total famewhores, so it's no surprise that when caught out eating by the paparazzi yesterday, the wannabes used the opportunity to promote Heidi's "music". Which is fine. The only thing that really grosses us out is their face sucking. Get a room!
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 10:57 AM 0 komentar
Fat Guy In A Little Coat

Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 10:53 AM 0 komentar
08 April 2009
Halle Berry Stuck in Harper’s Bazaar Bubble
Halle Berry in the best looks to sparkle in this season for the May 2009 issue of Harper’s Bazaar. The 42-year-old actress talks sex, motherhood, and her (much-younger) man. Check out the beautiful bubbly photo spread and snippets from the great interview:
Tell me how you keep your mojo. I have a 33-year-old man. That’ll keep your mojo mojo-in’.
Do you ever go on a food binge? I like Doritos. I’m usually watching The Biggest Loser eating Doritos.
You, Obama, and [your daughter] Nahla are biracial. What does that mean to you? Nahla will grow up in a completely different America. Obama is someone who’s more like her than not, who shares her history. Hopefully she’ll grow up in a world where it’ll be easier than I had it. I had a rough time. I was accused of stuffing the ballot box for my high school prom-queen election because they couldn’t believe the only black girl in the school won.
Check out the full Halle article at
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 9:03 AM 0 komentar
Leighton Meester Singing… Again!
the gossip girl star is at it again!
Leighton Meester wants to be a singer, and - in a page out of the Heidi Montag school of business - she has "leaked" a new song on the Internets. The tune is called Birthday, and we actually like it. But, it's hard to tell if she sings well or had a little "help" in the studio. What do U think???
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 4:49 AM 0 komentar
R-Patz is Gross!!!!
Twilight star Robert Pattinson is featured in the new issue of Dossier Journal. And… 1) He's pictured smoking - yet again. That's so not cool! 2) He couldn't be bothered to shower (greasy hair), shave (stubble) or get a manicure (hello dirty fingernails)! Gross. Gross. Gross.
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 4:37 AM 0 komentar
Paris Gets Her GaGa On (Again)
Photos of Paris on the set of her latest reality show, My New BFF (season 2!), have surfaced on some fansites.
And these new photos show Miz Hilton sporting the GaGa-inspired hairbow, amongst other Lady-like looks.
We rocked one last month.
What do U think of Paris' GaGa makeover for her show?
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 4:33 AM 0 komentar
07 April 2009
True Story on April 4th 2009, around 21.00 WIB
Beloved friend of mine just passed away. She's almost done university. She's goregous and kind. She's still young and she's friendly. She's nice to everyone and she's a woman with good heart but she died.. She was driving fast on toll road while she's doing blackberrymessenger ..she PING my other friend without seeing a BIG container in front of her. Her name is Jade Santoso. She's american bali, UPH student. Time can't be turned back. But through this case it is good to learn something from her.. Pls don't do anything to ur phone(if its not necessary), no sms, call, eventhough BBM-ing while driving. May she rest in peace.. Goodbye Jade GBU always
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 1:21 AM 0 komentar
06 April 2009
I Poke Her Face!
This right here, this be the hot shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kanye, Kid Cudi and Common have taken the acoustic version of Lady GaGa's international chart-topper, Poker Face, and just dropped the illest street track.
You MUST listen to it
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 6:32 AM 0 komentar
Shinjuku incident
The Shinjuku Incident
A simple Chinese immigrant wages a perilous war against one of the most powerful criminal organizations on the planet in this sprawling action drama directed by Derek Yee (One Night in Mongkok) and starring Jackie Chan, Daniel Wu, and Masaya Kato. In Japan, foreign migrants are shunned by mainstream society. Taunted by the Yakuza, they live in constant fear of being discovered and repatriated. Into this perilous world ventures Steelhead (Chan), a humble tractor repairman who has traveled to Tokyo in search of his missing girlfriend Xiu Xiu (Jinglei Xu), who vanished into thin air shortly after arriving in the city. It doesn't take Steelhead long to learn just what kind of hardships Chinese immigrants in Japan endure at the hands of underworld gangsters and foreign crime syndicates, and upon discovering that Xiu Xiu has adapted a Japanese identity and married up and coming Yakuza chief Eguichi (Masaya Kato), the two men form an uneasy alliance. Over time, Steelhead earns the respect of his fellow Chinese immigrants by establishing a place for them to gather. But the dark side still beckons to Steelhead, because after helping Eguichi dispense with a powerful rival, he is granted full control of Shinjuku's most popular nightspots. Resistant to the allure of the criminal lifestyle, Steelhead discovers a new love and opens a tractor repair business just outside the city. When Equichi begins using Steelhead's former compatriots as pawns to front the Yakuza's drug trade, the vengeful immigrant returns to the city determined to exact justice, even if it means destroying the future of the woman he once loved. Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 2:15 AM 0 komentar
05 April 2009
Pemain : Jackie Chan Ken Watanabe Daniel Wu Sutradara : Derek Yee
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 10:31 PM 0 komentar
The Closing of the Gates of Grace
Tonight I watched as the Holy Spirit gave me a vision. I saw two massive gate doors – both on the right and the left of the earth. They were made out of gold with precious gems embedded in them. They were positioned over the earth in the spirit realm. On the other side of the gates was heaven. On our side of the gates was the earth suspended in space. Then I saw a mighty angel on each side of the two gates. They were standing as sentries guarding the doorway or portal from the two realms. They each had a large sword in their hands that was on fire and it seemed to spin around perpetually in every direction and it shot these flames out all around them. I was amazed and awed at their glory and size. They seemed as large as the earth below them. The gates were even larger in size than they were! Both the angels and the gates were glowing as bright as the sun, it seemed. On the heavenly side – light was streaming like a river flowing toward the earth. As I looked into the glorious light, I saw the Lord sitting on His throne in great majesty with many crowns on His head. He had an iron/bronze-looking scepter in his right hand and an old-fashioned-looking harvesting sickle in the other. Suddenly, I heard His voice. It sounded like a roaring ocean of water and wind as He spoke. I have never heard such a sound before. He said, “The time has come to close the gates of grace upon the earth. The nations have rejected Me and My Father long enough. Lift the coverings of protection off of those nations that have chosen Babylon over my Kingdom. I will no longer protect them from reaping what they have sown.” Then the two angels on each side of the golden gate leaves began to move slowly to shut the giant doorway/portal. I noticed that this was a slow process, because I saw the seasons change on earth and some years pass before it was fully closed. As it was closing, I was able to look closer at the river of light that was pouring upon the earth. In it was every blessing and healing grace, forgiveness, unconditional agape love, and the constant flow of angels carrying all these wonderful blessings to the earth. Right before the gates shut, I heard the Voice of the Lord say, “Come up here, my Bride, and escape the wrath that is about to be poured out upon the earth.” I heard a nearly deafeningly loud blast of heavenly trumpets from both those angels at the same time, and suddenly, I saw multitudes of souls – millions and millions of them – ascending out of the earth very fast in a flash of light. The river of light coming through the gates met them in the upper atmosphere of the earth and then reversed itself and all the souls and the river of light went back up out of the earth and into the closing gates back into heaven. Then I saw the gates finish shutting completely – at a much faster rate now after the souls from earth had finished going into heaven. Then, it became so dark that I could no longer see the stars even. There was no more river of light flowing down upon the earth. The earth was covered in what looked like white neon hexagon shapes in a web above the earth (please see my teaching “Visions from the Dallas Revival 1985” on my websight) It rapidly became opaque where I could no longer see the earth underneath. I just saw a brownish looking color –like a stagnant pond - where the oceans and land could be seen only a few moments before. Then, nearly just as fast, the whole earth seemed to be swallowed up in the thickest black darkness I had ever seen. It was like a black hole in the universe. It made the rest of the universe look light in comparison, if I could describe it that way. I felt so sick and hopeless as I saw this. Then, just like I had heard back in the vision in 1985, I began hearing the screams of millions upon millions of souls that I knew were trapped in that darkness below in the earth. The Holy Spirit then spoke to me and said, “This is now coming upon the whole earth as a snare and a trap. This is what the nations have chosen. As they have done, so shall it be done to them. As they have cursed, so shall they be cursed. As they have condemned, so shall they be condemned. The time of My wrath shall surely come. The nations shall drink of the wine of the wrath of My cup that I have mixed for them. Woe! Woe! Woe to the earth for the hour of her judgment has surely come! Babylon shall now fall and be consumed by the fire of my wrath.” Then I realized that these were still events to come in the future. But I also somehow knew that it was imminent. Once again, I saw the doors of the gates of grace still remained partially open. I knew that this was our present time now. I was so relieved to see the river of light flowing into the earth again. But, the doors were closing fast! They weren’t fully opened as they were even a few years ago. I knew that we didn’t have much more time. The Lord spoke again so loudly and powerfully: “Warn them! Time is very short! You must preach the gospel and work while it is still daylight. The night comes very soon, and no man can then harvest in the time of grace ever again. The doors of grace are beginning to close. REPENT! REPENT! REPENT O Earth before the river of light stops flowing! Then you will face Me, not as Merciful Savior, but as the Judge of all the earth. Who will hear and heed the final call of the silver trumpet’s clarion of Grace, Grace! My Spirit will not strive with sinful man forever. Come to Me now while there is still a little time left. I am coming soon for My overcoming Bride. Keep your lamps burning…Watch and Pray…I AM AT THE DOORS OF GRACE! They are closing quickly….Come into My ark of safety…come into the Bridal chamber and the doors will SHUT…I AM COMING FOR YOU, MY BELOVED!!!” I pray that we all take heed to God’s prophetic warning and be ready when he appears for His glorious, waiting Bride.
Love in our Messiah..
Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 8:44 AM 0 komentar
03 April 2009
Lovebirds On Vacation

Diposkan oleh Lady MeL" di 11:40 PM 0 komentar